Vision and Mission
Become an institution of higher education in the field of tropical forestry superior and dignified at the national level and internationally recognized, imbued Pancasila and dedicated to the interests and prosperity of the nation
- Conducting educational activities and research-based service quality for the advancement of knowledge, technology, and management of tropical forest ecosystems, based on national identity to preserve national integrity.
- Realizing the faculty that have good governance
- Being a leading center in the development of tropical forestry science and technology at the international level.
- Being a good governance faculty
For the purpose of “Being a leading center in the development of science and technology, tropical forestry at the international level”, the targets are:
- Realization of learning and research-based service
- Realization of graduates moral, integrity, high incidents ethos, honest, able to compete in national and international levels, and dedicated to the nation by giving priority to the interests of the people.
- Achievement the increased of national and international reputation and accreditation in the field of education, research, and Corporate Citizenship
- Achievement the increased of regional cooperation networks, national, and international
- achievement the faculty’s role that always increasing in solving the nation, especially in the field of forestry with populist approach includes advocating local benefits to the national and international level