With increasing replacement of native forests with agriculture, it is important to understand the factors allowing non-human primates to persist, including interactions with potential predators. For small-bodied nocturnal primates, smaller carnivores and domestic dogs that often characterise agroforestry landscapes may be a particular threat, especially for primates like slow lorises, which rely on canopy connectivity and are particularly vulnerable on the
berita penelitian dan publikasi
Population growth requires the use of more land, which increases land fragmentation. This study aims to understand the impacts and adaptation strategies of farmers facing privately owned forest land fragmentation (POF-LF). The research was conducted in Ciamis Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected through structured questionnaires for a simple random sample of 170 respondents, as well as in-depth interviews. The data obtained were processed by calculating
Castanopsis argentea is an endangered tree naturally distributed in Java and Sumatera Island and considered a keystone species in the submontane forest ecosystem. A laboratory study was conducted to test the cross-amplification potential of seven pairs of Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii microsatellite markers to be used for Castanopsis argentea. The rate of cross-amplification success, average number of alleles per locus (NA), observed heterozygosity (HO),
Kulon Progo, 22-23 November 2024 – Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) sukses mengadakan “Workshop Penulisan Publikasi Jurnal Internasional” yang berlangsung selama dua hari, dari tanggal 22 hingga 23 November 2024 di Kulon Progo. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dosen dalam menyusun dan mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah di jurnal bereputasi internasional, serta mendorong kolaborasi antarpeneliti.
Acara ini dibuka secara resmi oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang
Social forestry schemes aimed at both conservation and land redistribution for smallholders surrounding the Indonesian state forests. However, the results so far are mixed at best, with limited areas having been granted to the intended beneficiary groups. Several problems appear to be the causes. They range from the domination of administrative and managerial aspects of the scheme, lack of decision-making participation of the intended beneficiaries, to the
Hipposideros spp. are insectivorous bats and karst cave dwellers. This study aimed to study the roosting ecology, reproduction, and population fluctuations of three species H. diadema, H. larvatus, and H. ater in Gunung Sewu Karst region, Indonesia. Age and reproductive status of individuals were identified and analyzed using a combination of forearm length (FA) and body mass grades (W). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the correlation
The invertebrate indices for assessing water quality have not been widely developed in tropical regions where invertebrate diversity is generally high and severe water quality degradation is ongoing. We compared the applicability of six existing invertebrate indices using the dataset from 23 Indonesian streams and developed a new index by modifying an existing one using Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis (TITAN). Analyses using general linear models (GLMs) revealed
Privately owned forests (POF) play an important role in Indonesia’s social, economic, and environmental spheres. The success of optimizing their roles relies on the traditional management practices carried out by farmers. Therefore, this study aimed to explore POF traditional management by farmers, POF performance, and their influencing factors. Respondents included 170 farmers selected by simple random sampling and key informant. This study was conducted
The rates of appearance of new mutations play a central role in evolution. However, mutational processes in natural environments and their relationship with growth rates are largely unknown, particular in tropical ecosystems with high biodiversity. Here, we examined the somatic mutation landscapes of two tropical trees, Shorea laevis (slow-growing) and S. leprosula (fast-growing), in central Borneo, Indonesia. Using newly constructed genomes, we identified
LAI measurement using a direct method is time-consuming, while other instruments like Ceptometer, Hemispherical Photography, and LI-COR require high investment. This study aims to develop allometric equations for estimating the LAI of community forest tree species. Destructive sampling was conducted on 45 trees from three different species, i.e., Tectona grandis, Swietenia macrophylla, and Falcataria moluccana . The allometric equations were developed using