Coffee is commonly cultivated under agroforestry systems, including dry-field and homegarden. These systems were differentiated based on their proximity to the settlements, which might influence the species composition. This study aimed to observe plant composition, diversity, vegetation structure, and microclimate in coffee agroforestry systems and the physiological conditions of coffee. The experimental design was based on purposive sampling. A total of 100
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This study examines four regression models to estimate tree-level above-ground carbon stock (AGC) in the clonal teak plantations of Wanagama Forest, Indonesia using a data fusion of UAV-LiDAR and RGB aerial imagery. Data collected in the field were diameter at breast height and tree height. Vegetation indices were derived from the visible bands of a georeferenced orthomosaic captured by DJI Mavic 2 Pro. The LiDAR data was obtained using GeoSun GS-100M device
The tropical rainforest of Kalimantan, Indonesia, is dominated by a mixed dipterocarp forest. Rubroshorea johorensis is a commercial species of the Dipterocarpaceae family but is listed as vulnerable. So far, the management of natural forests through selective logging may have a negative impact on genetic diversity. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the genetic diversity of R. johorensis in different forest types representing the management and
Tribal leaders in Papua had been positioned as both cultural symbols and real decision-making leaders, but they have lost their power over natural resource management and forests. Using the case of nutmeg management by the tribal Baham-Matta community, we present changes in the power constellations within the local social structures, in which the Kings (Patuans), the highest tribal leaders, have increasingly been unable to rule their people. In this research,
The wide areas of critical land in Indonesia are attracting a high level of attention due to the significant influence of global warming. Addressing this issue requires several priority efforts, such as critical land rehabilitation programs. The level of critical land rehabilitation can be evaluated with remote sensing technology. Therefore, this research aimed to assess critical land in South Sulawesi rehabilitated by PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT VI) as compensation
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) diversity is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Several studies have shown the presence of AMF in ex-gold mining areas with low soil fertility and heavy metal accumulation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the diversity of AMF species in artisanal gold mining areas. The experimental design used is randomized group design with two treatment factors: the interval distance range from tailings disposal point (A)
Ecotourism is a type of forest management that places a strong emphasis on the idea of balancing the use of forest resources for both environmental and economic purposes. Pinus Sari Forest (PSF) is an ecotourism object destination with the main tourist attraction being old pine trees which mark the shift from pine sap harvesting to tourism activities. Due to the transition of forest management in PSF, it is necessary to assess the sustainability of ecotourism
Identifying rat and mouse species quickly, affordably, and accurately is crucial for effective populationmanagement, as well as for eradication or conservation purposes. However, the sheer diversity of these species poses achallenge. To address this, a molecular approach has been developed, involving the amplification of a short genetic markerfrom materials commonly left by the animal, such as hairs and feces. Recent available PCR primers were not suitable
Like many other large carnivores worldwide, the Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas) faces significant threats from prey depletion due to human disturbance and habitat loss, yet the distribution of its prey across Java and the relationship between prey diversity and leopard presence remain poorly understood at broad spatial scales. This study predicted the distribution of eight prey species for the Javan leopard across Java using an ensemble species distribution
The European Union (EU) established cooperation with timber exporting countries to fight illegal logging through the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. FLEGT has gained increasing interest from several countries, including Vietnam, which has signed a bilateral Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the EU. Central to the VPA is the implementation of a timber legality assurance system (TLAS) that ensures that only legal products