Laminated bamboo is an engineered bamboo technology to maintain its mechanical durability for both construction and furniture materials. This study was conducted to assess the properties of laminated bamboo made from Betung bamboo at different culm positions and laminate orientations. The materials used in this study were 4-year Betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) obtained from a community forest in Yogyakarta and polyvinyl acetate resin as adhesive. Two factors
berita penelitian dan publikasi
Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) seeds, which account for 40% of the fruit, have been used as a raw material for biofuels, and the seed shells remaining after their extraction are wasted. In this study, we investigated the potential of waste Nyamplung seed shells in the form of pellets as a biomass energy resource. A completely randomized research design was implemented to evaluate the effects of torrefaction and heat treatment on the quality of produced
Karst areas in Indonesia are arid landscapes with water-use limitations because of dissolved carbonates. Long-term water scarcity stunts plant growth and often kills them. For tropical karst forestry-greening, the three best legume and three best non-legume species from a previous trial comprising 20 species were compared. Since October 2011, seedlings of the top three non-legume, species Aleurites mollucana, Sterculia foetida, and Alstonia scholaris, and three
Ongoing global changes, including natural land conversion for agriculture and urbanization, modify the dynamics of human–primate contacts, resulting in increased zoonotic risks. Although Asia shelters high primate diversity and experiences rapid expansion of human–primate contact zones, there remains little documentation regarding zoonotic surveillance in the primates of this region.
SDG 3 : Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera
SDG 6 : Air Bersih
Serious problems have occurred on Falcataria moluccana plantations because of gall rust disease caused byUromycladium tepperianum. The disease inhibits tree growth, reduces wood quality, and can cause tree mortality. Thepresence of galls is a notable symptom of this disease. The study aimed to investigate the anatomy of the galls andthe changes in wood anatomical characteristics of F. moluccana due to the infection of U. tepperianum. Wood blockscontaining outer
The Mutis-Timau Forest Complex, located on Timor Island, Indonesia, is a mountainous tropical forest area that gradually decreases due to deforestation and forest degradation. Previous modelling studies based on patterns indicate that deforestation primarily occurs at lower elevations and near the boundaries of forests and settlements, often associated with shifting cultivation by local farmers. This study adopts a process-based modelling approach, specifically
Long-term assessment using historical satellite imagery is critical for gaining meta-informationand identifying trends in land cover change. informed policymaking about this assessmentensures forest sustainability and mitigates climate change to consider the identified trends inland cover changes and historical disturbances. therefore, this study aimed to describe thetrend of land cover change and historical disturbances in Mutis timau Nature Reserve
The Katingan-Kahayan Corridor is currently one of the remaining habitats for Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii in Central Kalimantan, likely to be managed as an Essential Ecosystem Area. This area faces a high risk of deforestation in the future, as it is located outside protected or conservation zones. This study aims to project future deforestation in the Katingan-Kahayan Corridor from 2019 to 2050 and model its impact on orangutan habitat under two scenarios: (1) Business-as-Usual
This study investigated the thermal behavior and crystallinity of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) under heat treatment using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that heat treatment reduced the crystallinity and thermal stability of MCC at a certain point, and that the changes in the chemical components and structure of MCC were correlated with the heat flow measured by DSC. The analysis was performed
This study investigated the thermal behavior and crystallinity of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) under heat treatment using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that heat treatment reduced the crystallinity and thermal stability of MCC at a certain point, and that the changes in the chemical components and structure of MCC were correlated with the heat flow measured by DSC. The analysis was performed