Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) sukses menyelenggarakan Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition 2024 pada Selasa, 29 Oktober 2024, yang bertujuan untuk mengasah kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyampaikan riset mereka secara ringkas dan berdampak. Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi dua kategori: Graduate Level, yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa pascasarjana UGM, dan National Undergraduate Level, yang diikuti oleh tujuh perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia, yaitu UGM,
Yogyakarta, 5/3 – Alumni of the Faculty of Forestry UGM class of 2006 have made a breakthrough by launching the Pioneer Scholarship Program Batch I. The scholarship of Rp. 1,000,000 is intended for final year students (Semester 7 and or 8) so that they can complete their studies on time. This scholarship has provided a solution to the problem of the length of study of undergraduate students, whose average is currently more than 4 years. One of the problems is the cost of conducting research,
[Auditorium Faculty of Forestry, February 24, 2024] – Faculty of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada held a bootcamp event for Student Creativity Program. The event drew attention with the active participation of Student Creativity Program fighters, showing their passion for developing creative ideas in the context of forestry.
The bootcamp served as a valuable platform for students to explore their creative potential while learning about the challenges and opportunities in forestry.
Graduating with brilliant achievements is the dream of Dewi Sekar Rumpuko, a student of Faculty of Forestry UGM Class of 2019 who graduated today Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at Grha Sabha Pramana Universitas Gadjah Mada. However, Dewi could not attend the graduation and was only represented by her parents Mr. Djono and Mrs. Ngadinah because Dewi had passed away before the judicium (graduation assessment) that determined her graduation. Having been treated for some time after the accident, Dewi
Audit Mutu Internal (AMI) is the activities of applying internal quality assurance protocols conducted by a faculty or a program unit within Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The AMI consists of controlling and monitoring processes that assure the standardised quality of institutional and educational units administrating and facilitating academia to pursue the expected and satisfied gain of educational levels. The processes are conducted based on an international quality assurance procedure, the
Faculty of Forestry UGM implements Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in Even Semester 2020/2021 as follows:
- Lectures are carried out by online up to Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) with simultaneous evaluation. If possible, after the UTS, KBM will be implemented in a blended of online and offline activities with the new normality provisions that have been previously determined.
- Seminars, Undergraduate Thesis Examinations, Magister Thesis Examinations and Closed Doctoral
The education objectives of UGM are to produce graduates who skilled and competence in science, technology, and/or arts, and live and implement the values of Pancasila and Indonesian culture. Therefore, it is expected that UGM graduates have skills and competents in science and technology, and also have the attitudes and characters of UGM that are imbued with Pancasila and Indonesian culture. UGM Rector Decree No. 16 of 2016 concerning the Basic Framework of the UGM Curriculum stipulates
The Academic Senate of UGM approved the proposal for the establishment of Forestry Engineer Study Program (PSPIK) in the Plenary Meeting held on Thursday, February 25, 2021. The establishment of PSPIK responds to the declining condition of forest resources in Indonesia and not optimum productivity due to not being managed by professional engineers. Forest resources management in Indonesia requires professionals with competency in forestry engineering who hold a code of ethics and professional
Wanagama Education Forest becomes the peak of HARMONI INKLUSI event held by UKM Peduli Difabel UGM on Sunday 1st December 2019. HarmonI Inklusi is a series of events held in order to commemorate the Internation Day of Disability which falls on 3rd December. The peak of event held in Wanagama Forest is attended by more than 100 participants from Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia Peduli Dystrophy Muskular Indonesia, DPC Gerkatin, YAKETUNIS (Yayasan Kesejahteraan Tunanetra Islam), UGM difabled
Recently, the Faculty of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a research workshop with “International Publication and Patent Writing” as its theme. It was held at Grand Artos Hotel, Magelang-Central Java on September 13-15, 2019. This workshop aims to improve the productivity and quality of the indexed international publication by the lecturers within Forestry Faculty UGM.
The speaker for the Big Data Management and Analysis material was delivered by Dr. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng.