Teak tree breeding programs have been conducted over the last several decades in various locations throughout Indonesia. These programs have produced superior teak clones with growth increments > 3 cm diameter at breast height. The wood quality of this clonal teak must be evaluated to determine the final use of these trees and the success rate of the teak breeding programs. In this study we investigated the physical condition (reflected in wood color and
SDG 15: Life on land
Gunung Merapi National Park (GMNP) is an inseparable conservation area from the surrounding community, as the buffer village community has used its existing forest resources. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the forest resources used by the buffer village community and assess the economic benefit value generated by GMNP. The economic benefits evaluation adopted the direct use value approach and market prices. The results showed that the community
The most dominant community activities are sand farming and tourism, while government intervention is in the form of infrastructure development, establishing conservation areas, protection, and tourism. The coastal areas of Bantul and Kulon Progo Regencies in DI Yogyakarta are naturally influenced by the supply of sand sedimentation from Mount Merapi, wind, and beach wave energy. However, this area has now become an area for agriculture, tourism, and other
Publication: Management Ecology and Coastal Area Development Policy Bantul and Kulon Regencies Progo
Management area coast Bantul and Kulon Regencies Progo important done, in discourse connection with system social or activity man often without notice continuity source Power nature and power support the environment or system its ecology. In development, system ecology interprenate come back system policy development in form disturbances environment or phenomenon happen inconsistency on rule legislation That own and high costs for anticipate it. Over each other
Soil and water conservation is one of the keys to preserving natural resources. Livestock development can optimize the use of grass for soil and water conservation. However, livestock manure waste is a problem for the environment and health. This study aimed to explore the role of biogas technology in supporting the strengthening of soil and water conservation in the Merawu Subwatershed. Through a community empowerment approach, this research included educational
Meningkatnya akumulasi dan distribusi patogen, dipadukan dengan kondisi kelembapan dan suhu yang meningkat akibat perubahan iklim, dikhawatirkan akan mempercepat laju infeksi pada tanaman hutan. Hal ini dapat berakibat fatal bagi ekosistem hutan secara keseluruhan.
Meskipun beberapa patogen populasinya menurun karena kondisi inang yang justru menjadi kuat oleh pemanasan global. Peran patogen sebagai agen pengganggu tanaman hutan akan meningkat dan memberikan dampak buruk pada ekosistem hutan.
Humans and nature cannot be separated because both have a close relationship as an ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the level of social and ecological resilience; 2) Scenarios on ecological and social factors for the sustainability of protected forests. The research method uses survey methods and data analysis uses qualitative-verification analysis based on the results of the calculation of the resilience index and the phase of the
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dan Yayasan SINTAS Indonesia sepakat untuk menjalin kerjasama dalam bidangĀ konservasi sumber daya alam hayati khusunya untuk konservasi macan tutul Jawa yang makin berkung populasinya di Pulau Jawa. Kesepakatan ini ditandai dengan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman dan perjanjian kerja sama oleh Dekan Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Dr. Sigit Sunarta dan Direktur Yayasan SINTAS Indonesia Hariyo Tabah Wibisono, Ph.D., pada hari Selasa (19/3) di Yogyakarta.
Dr. Sawitri salah satu peneliti Pemuliaan Pohon di Fakultas Kehutanan, UGM berkesempatan untuk mengikuti kegiatan internasional workshop yang bertema “Development of Advanced Mountain Science Research and Education to Establish a Vast Genetic Diversity Database” telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 s.d 10 Maret 2024 di Sugadaira Research Station. Menurut Dr. Sawitri, program pemuliaan di Indonesia masih sangat bergantung
Dalam meningkatkan kolaborasi dan kerja sama internasional, Tim Fakultas Kehutanan UGM (FKT UGM) menghadiri internasional workshop yang dilaksanakan di Sugadaira Research Station pada tanggal 4 s.d 10 Maret 2024. Pada kesempatan tersebut, salah satu tim Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Prof. Dr. Mohammad Na’iem (Guru Besar Fakultas Kehutanan) menyampaikan topik yang berjudul Contribution Tree Improvement Program to Increase Forest Productivity and to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).