Soil and water conservation is one of the keys to preserving natural resources. Livestock development can optimize the use of grass for soil and water conservation. However, livestock manure waste is a problem for the environment and health. This study aimed to explore the role of biogas technology in supporting the strengthening of soil and water conservation in the Merawu Subwatershed. Through a community empowerment approach, this research included educational
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Indonesia has extensively reforested mangroves to stabilize coastal ecosystems and mitigate climate change. Reforestation’s long-term effects on recovering mangroves are not extensively established because most projects are only observed for two years. It raises the question of whether mangrove replanting aids biodiversity conservation and ecological recovery. This project will characterize Flores Island mangrove ecosystems after ten years of regeneration.
Pemanfaatan jenis kayu cepat tumbuh perlu ditingkatkan untuk mendukung kelanjutan industri perkayuan di Indonesia. Jabon (Neolamarckia cadamba Miq.) adalah salah satu jenis kayu cepat tumbuh yang banyak ditanam di hutan rakyat Pulau Jawa pada beberapa tahun terakhir, termasuk di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi terkait kualitas kayu jabon di hutan rakyat, berdasarkan dimensi serat, sifat fisika dan mekanikanya. Variasi aksial
This article aims to assess the visual potential of the landscape of natural tourism objects in Curug Muncar. The assessment was carried out using the Analysis Method of Operational Areas for Natural Tourism Objects and Attractions (ADO- ODTWA). This method focuses on the quality of beauty (scenic views) or the visual quality of the landscape in order to find out the potential that can be developed and improve the shortcomingsof the Curug Muncar natural tourism
This study aims to determine the characteristic morphology and biomass production of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) cultivar Gama Umami under teak tree (Tectona grandis) shade in teak tree forest area of Blora, Central Java. The grass was planted using stem cuttings and maintained for four months using the randomized block design (RBD) method with six repetitions in each treatment. This study consisted of two treatments, namely shade under teak tree stands
This paper assesses the government’s capacity and local people’s readiness to address sustainability challenges in developing a new Indonesian capital in East Kalimantan Province. Although the overall national advancement in sustainable development is deemed inadequate, the province chosen for the location of the new capital city exceeds the national average in attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Household surveys indicate limited local
Universitas Sumatera Utara competes with various other campuses to win the title of the best Green Campus through the UI Green Metric ranking. Tree vegetation at USU is also an added value for the campus. The campus is a favorite location for people to visit and enjoy the environmental services. The interest of visitors who come is certainly an opportunity as well as a challenge for USU to continue maintaining and developing tree vegetation which is a provider
Syzygium sp. is one of the tree species that can be found in the green space at USU. This type is better known by the local name jambu-jambuan and belongs to the family Myrtaceae. Syzygium sp. is known for its various uses, such as medicine, fruit plants, building green spaces, etc. Research on the distribution and opportunities for the utilization of this species has never been carried out in the green space of the USU campus. This type has many benefits as
A laminate board is a composite board formed from a combination of several laminates and glued together using adhesives in the parallel direction of the fibers. Belangke bamboo, as a substitute for wood, can be used as raw material for making laminated boards. Belangke bamboo has fairly good strength but has a weakness, namely, being vulnerable to attacks by destructive agents. Adding boric acid immersion treatment is one of the modifications to laminated boards