The Faculty of Forestry UGM has a Bachelor Study Program namely the Forestry Study Program consisting of four Departments namely: Conservation of Forest Resources, Forest Management, Silviculture, & Forest Product Technology.(SK Dirjen DIKTI No.163/Dikti/Kep/2007 tentang pengaturan program studi & SK Rector No. 89/P/SK/HT/2010 February 1, 2010)

Departement of Forest Resource Conservation

The department aims to developing science and technology in the field of forest ecosystem conservation. Focus on saving, protecting, managing & utilizing forest resources wisely for the preservation of forest resources as a sustaining basis for life.

Departement of Forest Management

The department aims to develop science and technology in the field of forest management and prepare human resources with integrity, morality and professional academic abilities in the management of sustainable forest ecosystems for the welfare of the people.

Departement of Silviculture

The department aims to developing science and technology development and forest rehabilitation that is able to play an active role in increasing the productivity & benefits of forest resources for the welfare of the community.

Departement of Forest Product Technology

The department aims to developing science and technology that is able to manage & process wood & non-timber forest products efficiently for the welfare of humanity at large.