Population growth requires the use of more land, which increases land fragmentation. This study aims to understand the impacts and adaptation strategies of farmers facing privately owned forest land fragmentation (POF-LF). The research was conducted in Ciamis Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected through structured questionnaires for a simple random sample of 170 respondents, as well as in-depth interviews. The data obtained were processed by calculating
SDG 1 No Poverty
Social forestry schemes aimed at both conservation and land redistribution for smallholders surrounding the Indonesian state forests. However, the results so far are mixed at best, with limited areas having been granted to the intended beneficiary groups. Several problems appear to be the causes. They range from the domination of administrative and managerial aspects of the scheme, lack of decision-making participation of the intended beneficiaries, to the
Gunung Merapi National Park (GMNP) is an inseparable conservation area from the surrounding community, as the buffer village community has used its existing forest resources. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the forest resources used by the buffer village community and assess the economic benefit value generated by GMNP. The economic benefits evaluation adopted the direct use value approach and market prices. The results showed that the community
Publication: Management Ecology and Coastal Area Development Policy Bantul and Kulon Regencies Progo
Management area coast Bantul and Kulon Regencies Progo important done, in discourse connection with system social or activity man often without notice continuity source Power nature and power support the environment or system its ecology. In development, system ecology interprenate come back system policy development in form disturbances environment or phenomenon happen inconsistency on rule legislation That own and high costs for anticipate it. Over each other
Guru Besar Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiadi, S.Hut, M.Agr.Sc., IPU., dikukuhkan pada hari Selasa (20/2) di ruang Balai Senat UGM.. Dalam pidato pengukuhannya yang berjudul “Silvikultur, Agroforestri, dan Ekologi Manusia: Menuju Kecukupan Luas Tutupan Hutan dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat” menyampaikan bahwa capaian tertinggi seorang peneliti atau akademisi adalah ketika gagasannya bisa mewarnai kebijakan politik yang berorientasi pada kepentingan