Passive acoustic monitoring is a promising tool for monitoring at-risk populations of vocal species, yet extracting relevant information from large acoustic datasets can be time- consuming, creating a bottleneck at the point of analysis. We adapted an open-source framework for deep learning in bioacoustics to automatically detect Bornean white-bearded gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis) “great call” vocalisations in a long-term acoustic dataset from a rainforest
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Water is a basic need for all living things on earth. The existence of water on Earth cannot be separated from the hydrological cycle. The presence of vegetation has an impact on the water absorption process and protects the soil surface from the kinetic energy of rainwater. Vegetation measurements were carried out on plots measuring 8 m x 60 m. The measuring plot is made perpendicular to the contour direction or in the direction of the slope. Data processed
The aim of this study was to analyze the extractive composition of the wood and bark of cajuput (M. cajuputi subsp. cajuputi) to consider the end use material according to the characteristics of the its extractives. Results showed that the extractives properties of M. cajuputi, i.e. the contents of n-hexane, methanol, hot water extractives and total phenolic content (TPC), flavonoid content (TFC) and total polysaccharides (TSP) were 0.84 to 1.05%, 1.00 to 1.03%
Pinus merkusii is one of the most important timber species in Indonesia, the main product of which is its oleoresin. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of collection period (three periods, with 6-day observation each) on oleoresin yield in relation to two factors: growth sites of Pinus merkusii, which in the case of this study were East Banyumas, West Banyumas, and West Pekalongan Forest Management Units, and use of stimulants (sulfuric
Anthropogenic activities carried out by communities around forests in production forests, protected forests, and conservation forests have an impact on changes in the land cover of these areas. This impact is difficult to avoid because, on the other hand, production forests and protected forests are in direct contact with the lives of local communities. Changes in land cover have a significant impact on the contribution of Folu Net Sink, which is set by the
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF TALAS BENENG (Xanthosoma undipes) AGROFORESTRY IN CIAMIS REGENCY, INDONESIA. Recently, the Indonesian government has sought to secure food production from forestlands by implementing agroforestry in rural areas. Talas beneng or tall elephant ear plant (Xanthosoma undipes) is a potential species for agroforestry that produces medicinal tubers and leaves. It has high productivity and export opportunities, but its management strategy under
The microbiome is an important consideration for the conservation of endangered species. Studies provided evidence of the effect of behavior and habitat change on the microbiota of wild animals and reported various inferences. It indicates the complexity of factors influencing microbiota diversity, including incomplete sampling procedures. Data abnormality may arise due to the procedures warranting preliminary analysis, such as rarefaction, before downstream
This study aims to determine the lipophilic component that affects the quality of pulp and paper products in wood of 10-year-old Anthocephalus cadamba (families 23, 11 and 6) and 5-year-old Anthocepalus macrophyllus (families 75, 85 and 2). The results showed that the main group of compounds that appeared frequently and were identified in the lipophilic fraction were fatty acids (palmitic, oleic, linoleic and stearic acids), fatty alcohols (eicosanol, heneicosanol